Addiction Professional - NAADAC
Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy
4 CE credit hours training
Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is the earliest formal cognitive behavioral psychotherapy (CBT). Its premise is that treatment can dramatically improve emotional and mental health by altering patterns of thinking. Albert Ellis developed this approach in the 1950s because of his dissatisfaction with psychoanalytic approaches prevalent at the time. He was a psychoanalytically trained psychologist. He felt that his patients could progress much faster than was possible through psychoanalysis. The approach uses a much more directive approach than was accepted at the time. This includes liberal use of psychoeducation. Ellis first referred to the approach as rational therapy, and then rational-emotive therapy (RET)
Ellis (1994) puts this approach into perspective by stating that REBT is not, "...primarily interested in helping people ventilate emotion and feel better, but in showing them how they can truly get better, and lead to happier, non-s
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Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is the earliest formal cognitive behavioral psychotherapy (CBT). Its premise is that treatment can dramatically improve emotional and mental health by altering patterns of thinking. Albert Ellis developed this approach in the 1950s because of his dissatisfaction with psychoanalytic approaches prevalent at the time. He was a psychoanalytically trained psychologist. He felt that his patients could progress much faster than was possible through psychoanalysis. The approach uses a much more directive approach than was accepted at the time. This includes liberal use of psychoeducation. Ellis first referred to the approach as rational therapy, and then rational-emotive therapy (RET)
Ellis (1994) puts this approach into perspective by stating that REBT is not, "...primarily interested in helping people ventilate emotion and feel better, but in showing them how they can truly get better, and lead to happier, non-s
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