Addiction Professional - NAADAC
Aging in America
3 CE credit hours training
} elseif($training_id != '226') {
Target audience and instructional level of this course:
There is no known conflict of interest or commercial support related to this CE program.
Course Description
This course reviews aging from a bio-psychosocial perspective, with a focus on long-term care. It is written by a therapist with experience as a clinical coordinator and case manager for residential care and skilled nursing facilities. The mental health professional can play a vital role in the well being of elderly individuals and their families and caregivers. Therapists can help aging individuals restore and maintain meaningful activities and a valued identity. Therapists can help families and caretakers improve their support for the aging individual as well as their own well being.
This course reviews mental health challenges of aging. These include adjustments to change and loss, cognitive changes, psychiatric disorders, and recovery from abuse, exploitation and neglect. The anticipated population of elderly persons relative to younger wage earners will produce strains in the systems of care that will lead to increased mental health and family stress issues. This course will review the demographic changes and challenges to staff and family members posed by these changes. The older population is highly vulnerable to abuses such as fraud, violence, and neglect. Legal and ethical issues are covered, primarily regarding reporting of suspected abuse, exploitation, or neglect.
Learning Objectives
After completing this training the professional will be able to:
After completing this training you will be able to:
- This course will enable clinicians to:
- Describe aging from a bio-psychosocial perspective.
- Effectively help families that have issues related to aging.
- Outline mental health issues to which the elderly population is vulnerable.
- Describe long-term care issues pertaining to the aging population.
- Identify alternative arrangements for the elderly.
- Respond effectively, safely, and ethically to concerns regarding elder abuse.
- Apply knowledge from this course to practice and/or other professional contexts.
Robert A. Yourell, LMFT is a licensed psychotherapist who has been in the mental health field from the mid 1970's. In addition to his practice, he provides audio recordings for advanced stress management and EMDR-inspired processes such as Up Level, a bilateral sound. He developed a system to self-help that integrates concepts from mindfulness meditation, EMDR, CBT, and somatic therapies called Shimmering. He contributes to and edits books pertaining to psychology. He provides entertaining, thought-provoking presentations in areas such as advanced stress management, brain injury recovery, understanding difficult behavior, and preparing for challenging situations. His websites are is and
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Challenges of Aging
"Grief takes many forms. But don't worry, we're here to help you fill them out." Mike Baldwin
A demographic and fiscal challenge: The U.S. is challenged by dramatic growth in the aged population. This is the result of the baby boom that took place between 1946 and 1964 following World War II. This population starts reaching the age of 65 from 2011 through 2029. This will place greater stress on families and care systems than any previous period.
The U. S. Administration on Aging provides the following statistics on this aging trend:
The older population--persons 65 years or older--numbered 37.3 million in 2006 (the latest year for which data is available). They represented 12.4% of the U.S. population, about one in every eight Americans. By 2030, there will be about 71.5 million older persons, more than twice their number in 2000. People 65+ represented 12.4% o
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