Professional Counselor - MFT - NBCC
1.75 NBCC CE credit hours training
Persons with depression experience and exhibit low mood and low desire for activity. A person may describe transient feelings such as sadness or "the blues" that are considered part of the normal and non-clinical range of human experience. Regarding clinical manifestations of depression, the DSM IV-TR includes a number of types and degrees of depression, all of which include sadness, helplessness, and hopelessness as key emotional factors exerting significant distress. These feelings may periodically break out into periods of crying. Changes in thought content may ensue, most commonly exhibiting a dramatically decreased sense of worth or even persistent thoughts of suicide. Cognitive changes can include impaired memory and cognition. (Sheline, Gado, &Kraemer, 2003) People suffering from depression report such a loss of pleasure in activities that they feel as though they have to force themselves to perform and express themselves despite feeling no motivatio
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Persons with depression experience and exhibit low mood and low desire for activity. A person may describe transient feelings such as sadness or "the blues" that are considered part of the normal and non-clinical range of human experience. Regarding clinical manifestations of depression, the DSM IV-TR includes a number of types and degrees of depression, all of which include sadness, helplessness, and hopelessness as key emotional factors exerting significant distress. These feelings may periodically break out into periods of crying. Changes in thought content may ensue, most commonly exhibiting a dramatically decreased sense of worth or even persistent thoughts of suicide. Cognitive changes can include impaired memory and cognition. (Sheline, Gado, &Kraemer, 2003) People suffering from depression report such a loss of pleasure in activities that they feel as though they have to force themselves to perform and express themselves despite feeling no motivatio
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