Strategies for Working with Clients with Co-Occurring Disorders
5 CE credit hours training
} elseif($training_id != '226') {
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Target audience and instructional level of this course:
There is no known conflict of interest or commercial support related to this CE program.
Course Description
Maintaining a therapeutic alliance with clients who have co-occurring disorders (COD) is important—and difficult. The first section of this course reviews approaches for addressing these challenges. The second part of this course describes specific techniques effective in counseling clients with COD. One is the use of motivational enhancement consistent with the client\'s specific stage of recovery.
The purpose of this course is to describe for the addiction counselor and other practitioners how these guidelines and techniques, many of which are useful in the treatment of substance abuse or as general treatment principles, can be modified specifically and applied to people with COD.
Learning Objectives
After completing this training the professional will be able to:
Learning Objectives
After completing this training the professional will:
- Summarize ingredients for a successful therapeutic relationship with a client who has COD
- Describe a variety of techniques for working with clients with COD
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