Online Counseling Ethics
4 CE credit hours training
} elseif($training_id != '226') {
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There is no known conflict of interest or commercial support related to this CE program.
Course Description
Counseling provided via online means is becoming more commonplace. To use online counseling properly counselors need to be aware of ethical issues and how to address them. This course includes online counseling ethics guidelines from numerous professional associations.
*Note: Material for this course includes Appendix A. (page 50-77) and pages 13-15 from this article.
Learning Objectives
After completing this training the professional will:
- Describe challenges to fulfilling ethical obligations while conducting online counseling.
- Outline the ethics guidelines of numerous mental health professional organizations.
- Identify various ways to address the ethical challenges that can arise in online counseling.
Online Counseling: A Review of the Literature; East Metro Youth Services; Ilene Shiller, MSW, RSW
*Note: Material for this course includes Appendix A and pages 13-15 from this article.
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