Dysfunctional Family Management
2 CE credit hours training
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Family estrangement is an all too common occurrence in our society. Many clients struggle with this issue in their lives. This course addresses common dynamics in the development and maintenance of family dysfunction and estrangement, roles that family members can play in this, and ideas for coping with family estrangement or improving it.
Learning Objectives
After completing this training the professional will be able to:
Learning Objectives
After completing this training the professional will:
- describe common dynamics in the development and maintenance of family dysfunction and estrangement.
- identify roles that family members can play in this.
- identify ideas for coping with family estrangement or improving it.
Based on his book "Healingfrom Family Rifts, Ten Steps to Finding Peace after Being Cut Off from a FamilyMember"
Mark Sichel, LCSW He received his MSW from Hunter College School of Social Work Certified in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis: Postgraduate Center for Mental Health Trained in individual, couples and group therapy: Postgraduate Center for Mental Health
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