Social Worker
0.5 CE credit hours training
Client Welfare
The primary responsibility of social workers is to respect the dignity and to promote the welfare of their clients. Social workers encourage client growth and development in ways that foster the client's interest and welfare; Social workers avoid fostering dependent counseling relationships.
Social workers and their clients work jointly in devising integrated, individual counseling plans that offer reasonable promise of success and are consistent with abilities and circumstances of clients. Social workers and clients regularly review counseling plans to ensure their continued viability and effectiveness, respecting client's freedom of choice. Social workers recognize that families are usually important in client's lives and strive to enlist family understanding and involvement as a positive resource, when appropriate. Social workers work with their clients in considering employment in jobs and circumstances that are consistent with the clients overall
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The primary responsibility of social workers is to respect the dignity and to promote the welfare of their clients. Social workers encourage client growth and development in ways that foster the client's interest and welfare; Social workers avoid fostering dependent counseling relationships.
Social workers and their clients work jointly in devising integrated, individual counseling plans that offer reasonable promise of success and are consistent with abilities and circumstances of clients. Social workers and clients regularly review counseling plans to ensure their continued viability and effectiveness, respecting client's freedom of choice. Social workers recognize that families are usually important in client's lives and strive to enlist family understanding and involvement as a positive resource, when appropriate. Social workers work with their clients in considering employment in jobs and circumstances that are consistent with the clients overall
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