Social Worker
Promoting Military Cultural Competence
1 CE credit hours training
} elseif($training_id != '226') {
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There is no known conflict of interest or commercial support related to this CE program.
Course Description
This course explores the unique cultures of the military and provides civilian mental health clinicians with a better understanding of cultural factors. It provides suggestions for adapting civilian clinical services to meet the needs of military service members, veterans, and their families. It also addresses how civilian communities can better support the needs of military service members, veterans, and their families. Note: Course includes a helpful glossary of terms and acronyms (page 79).
Learning Objectives
After completing this training the professional will:
- Describe aspects of military culture.
- Identify ways that civilian clinicians can make adaptations to work with military service members, veterans, and families.
- Describe ways to build community capacity to enhance civilian-based services to service members, veterans, and families.
Christi Luby received her Bachelor's degree with Distinction in Psychology, Biology, and Sociology and her M asters of Public Health in Health Promotion Sciences at the University of Oklahoma. She is a Master Certified Health Education Specialist, Compassion Fatigue Educator, and Doctoral Candidate pursuing her PhD in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. As the spouse of a B-52 combat veteran, she experienced numerous deployments during her husband's ten-year active-duty Air Force career, including Operations Desert Shield/Storm and Southern Watch. This personal experience guides her research on how deployments and reintegration affect the well-being of military spouses.
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