Social Worker
Master Therapists' Construction of the Therapy Relationship
2 CE credit hours training
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Mastered therapists were interviewed regarding various aspects of the therapy relationship. Based on the interviews, a number of domains and categories are conceptualized as relationship stances utilized by the master therapists to meet individual client needs. Based on these domains and categories the author proposes a Model of Relationship Stances that can be utilized in clinical practice, training, and research.
Learning Objectives
After completing this training the professional will be able to:
Learning Objectives
After completing this training the professional will:
- describe the importance of the therapy relationship in outcomes.
- outline a variety of relationship stance domains and categories found amongst mater therapists.
- describe the proposed Model of Relationship Stances.
Michael F. Sullivan, Ph.D.
Counseling and Student Personnel, Psychology Program, University of Minnesota
Thomas M. Skovholt,, Ph.D.
Len Jennings, Ph.D.
Graduate School of Professional Psychology, University of St. Thomas
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