CEUnits Blog

The Screen Time Conundrum: Why Mental Health Professionals Should Embrace Less Screen Time

November 29th, 2023

In an era where digital devices are omnipresent, mental health professionals are not immune to the lure of screens. Yet, the impact of excessive screen time on mental health is increasingly evident. This article explores why reducing screen time can be beneficial for mental health professionals, both for personal well-being and as a model for clients.

The Impact of Screen Time on Mental Health

Harvard Medical School highlights that digital media use plays an active role in neural development and can provide “impoverished” stimulation compared to real-world experiences. Excessive screen use can interfere with sleep, creativity, and even the development of a young person’s self-control system​.

Screen Time and Sleep
Using blue light-emitting devices before bedtime disrupts sleep patterns by suppressing melatonin secretion, leading to less restorative sleep. This is particularly concerning for mental health professionals, who require optimal cognitive functioning to support their clients​.

Balancing Screen Use
A balanced approach to screen use is crucial. It’s not about eliminating screens but using them wisely and understanding their impact on cognitive, social, and emotional development​.

Research Findings
A study published in npj Mental Health Research found that reducing recreational digital screen use resulted in significantly improved self-reported well-being and mood in adults. This highlights the potential benefits for mental health professionals who often engage in heavy screen use for both work and leisure​.

Practical Strategies
As per Dr. Michael Rich’s advice, mental health professionals should be mindful of digital media distraction, avoid screen use before bedtime, and engage in screen-free activities to enhance creativity and well-being. These practices not only benefit professionals personally but also set a positive example for clients​.

Benefits of Reduced Screen Time
Less screen time can improve physical health, boost mood, and enhance social connections. It is crucial for mental health professionals to model healthy digital habits to clients, emphasizing the importance of face-to-face interactions and engagement in physical activities​.

For mental health professionals, reducing screen time is not just about personal well-being; it’s also about setting a healthy example for clients. By understanding and mitigating the negative impacts of excessive screen use, professionals can enhance their own mental health and provide more effective support to those they serve.

Navigating Holiday Stress: Strategies and Learning Opportunities

November 29th, 2023

The holiday season, often viewed as a time of joy, can also bring significant stress and anxiety. This stress impacts not just individuals but also mental helath professionals who support them. Understanding and addressing this stress is vital for personal well-being and professional effectiveness.

We have made a short list of courses, that can be particularly helpful during this time of year.

Understanding the Holiday Blues

The holidays can be stressful due to factors like family dynamics, financial pressures, and emotional intensity. Professionals play a crucial role in helping individuals navigate these challenges, and their continuous learning and skill development are essential.

Addressing Depression in Older Adults During Holidays

Older adults face unique challenges during the holidays, such as loneliness or memories of past times. Evidence-based approaches to treatment are key. The course “Treatment of Depression in Older Adults: Evidence-Based Practices” offers insights for professionals. Find the course here.

The Power of Mindfulness in Combating Holiday Stress

Mindfulness-based treatments are beneficial, especially in the context of addiction, which may worsen during the holidays. The course “Mindfulness-based Treatment of Addiction: Current State of the Field” provides an understanding of these techniques. Explore the course here.

Enhancing Relationships During the Holidays

The holidays can also put stress on relationships. Understanding and practicing forgiveness is key in navigating these challenges. The course “Forgiveness and its Application with Couples” is a valuable resource for professionals working with couples. Learn more about the course here.

Ultimately, Self-care Matters

It’s essential for mental health professionals to practice self-care.  This challenging season requires a balanced approach of empathy, knowledge, and personal well-being.