CEUnits Blog

5 Quick Stress Management Tips for the Holidays

December 9th, 2014

Breathe Rock

By Lauren Dennelly, MSW, LCSW

Ahhh, the holidays. It’s the best time of the year, right? Well, ideally. The holidays can also be the most stressful and overwhelming time of the year. According to a 2008 holiday stress poll from the American Psychological Association, more than 8 out of 10 Americans expect the holiday season to be a stressful time.1 One third of people polled felt they would have too many obligations and would be expected to buy gifts, piling financial strain on top of emotional exhaustion. The holidays can also be a particularly stressful time for families with children who, according to the poll, anticipated more stress than families without children (ok we knew that one already)! If all this has you sweating over the holiday rush, here are a few tips to keep things merry and bright.

  1. Ask for help
    It’s pretty much a given that you will be balancing holiday parties, family gatherings, and maybe even hosting duties of your own. Be realistic. If there is something that you can delegate to someone else, do it. You will be thankful later that you didn’t overwhelm yourself and were able to enjoy the holiday without becoming exhausted.
  2. Learn how to say ‘no’
    We all have of lots of competing responsibilities, especially when it comes to family. If you find yourself dreading going to an engagement, ask yourself what is really important to you and what will have the least stressful repercussions. If stressful engagements still can’t be avoided, develop a safety plan to reduce stress on the spot- go for walk, take a few deep breath for ten minutes in a quiet place, and/or set a definite time to leave a gathering. A little pre-planning can go a long way.
  3. Reduce screen time
    Screen time can sometimes be a helpful distraction, but it can also be activating stress-wise. Reducing the amount of time you spend on Facebook, watching the news, or playing with your phone can be stress-relieving (really!). Try and lessen over stimulation by putting the phone down and picking up a book, taking a hot shower or bath, or turning the TV off and listening to some music that you enjoy.
  4. Do for yourself (Self-care 101)
    Be in tune with yourself and know your ‘stress signals’. Make some time during your busy week to do something you enjoy and unwind. It’s just as important as buying that last minute gift.
  5. Talk to someone
    Let someone know how you are feeling. Chances are your friend or family member may be just as stressed out as you are and can offer some support. You’re not alone!

1. www.apa.org/helpcenter/parents-holiday.aspx

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